It actually worked like a charm! In what was one of the most exciting moments of my life, we successfully piloted Robody Cares for the first time in a private home. I have a very vivid imagination, so I never doubted that Robody Cares in private homes would work beautifully. But experiencing it for the first time as the operator who cares for someone, was something else all-together: We even sang a song together and later, her son gave her a backrub. Absolutely magical.

But we would not be Devanthro, if the pilot was just a pilot. Following our “every pilot is a PR opportunity”-mantra (or “every PR activity is also a pilot opportunity”, works both ways), we have been accompanied by ZDF “plan b” which was just released online [in German] and airs on live TV this Saturday.

“plan b” is an amazing format that presents positive solutions to today’s challenges, and this time the whole show tackles the big skills shortage challenges Germany (and the Western World) face in the coming decades, and presented Robody Cares as a positive example of how technology can save us from the care crisis.

We loved the time with the family, and with the ZDF crew, and we look forward to many more experiences such as these in the near future.

Devanthro is a Munich-based robotics and AI business, building Robodies – robotic avatars for the elderly care market. Their partners include Charité Berlin, University of Oxford, and LMU Klinikum. An early prototype is part of the permanent exhibition at Deutsches Museum in Munich. For more information, please visit